My family met Dr. Daniel Murray and his staff back in 2016 when my son started seeing him for a soccer injury. Since then, we’ve seen them regularly for other sports injuries and regular adjustments. I love how friendly everyone in the office is; their staff is like a family. In addition to Dr. Dan, Dr. Brandon Meye, and Dr. Morgan Reimer are fabulous chiropractors and even though Dr. Dan is my favorite, I appreciate that there is always someone that can help us out when we need a quick adjustment.

Dr. Daniel Murray and Associates
Dr. Daniel Murray and Associates

Dr. Dan and I regularly talk about books when I’m in for my appointments, so it was natural to focus on him for “What the Boss is Reading.” I hope you enjoy getting to know him and find something new to read, too!

Introducing Dr. Daniel Murray:

As the owner of Lake Country Health Center in Delafield, Dr. Daniel Murray’s mission is to offer the finest in personalized care with an emphasis on service. After 2 decades of being in practice, he is committed to his passion of improving the lives of others through community involvement and exceptional patient care. He emphasizes treating the whole person by finding balance… in nutrition, exercise and in life. Dr. Murray recommends multi-disciplinary treatments like massage therapy,  nutritional protocols, yoga, and personal training that work alongside traditional chiropractic services to enhance healing creating healthier, more functional results.

When he isn’t helping his patients, he enjoys traveling and time up north with his wife, Laura, and two boys, Connor and Sean Patrick.  He unwinds and does all of his best thinking while on the golf course with friends.

Dr. Dan as a reader:

Do you mostly read for pleasure or do you mostly read for professional development?

Both! Throughout the day, I am mostly reading on professional development but, I always have a book started that I read for pleasure at night.

What are you currently reading?  Thoughts on it?

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

It is a wonderful story. Ms. Owen can go back and forth in time seamlessly which is difficult to do. It’s a different read for me and absolutely delightful. 

Do you share what you read with your co-workers to encourage them to read more?

After seeing the little free library stations throughout the community, I began a reading library within our clinic, sharing all of my books with my staff and my patients. I figured, “why would I let all of these books collect dust at home?!” Patients and staff frequently borrow them!

What is your favorite genre?

Mystery-adventure and I read or podcast a lot of self-help, as well. We are always learning and improving!

Have you always been a reader or did your love of reading come later in life?

Reading came after graduate school – I recall in school never having time to read for pleasure and I vowed to do so after school and have been consistent ever since.

Are your friends readers, too, or are you the outlier in your group?

Most of my friends, sadly, are not avid readers. I’m afraid podcasts and Netflix have replaced a good read for too many.

Do you have a favorite author?  Favorite book?

I have enjoyed most of David Baldacci’s work – they’re easy reading and entertaining.

Is there a book that you feel has changed your life?  

I got into Wayne Dyer many years ago –reading all of his work had a profound impact on my life. I learned a very simple principle that is the message in his work – you are in charge of your thoughts and reactions.

Is there a book you consistently recommend?

A book I recommend often is “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield

So there you have it…

I also loved Where the Crawdads Sing (it was one of My Favorite Books of 2019) and highly recommend it if you haven’t read it yet. I hope in this introduction to Dr. Daniel Murray you find several new books to read! If you are looking for a chiropractor for you and your family, there are not enough words for how much I love Dr. Dan and everyone at Lake Country Health Center. Whether they are seeing us for an injury or just regular adjustments, we are always greeted with a smile. They are friendly and flexible and are able to accommodate our crazy schedules. You can check them out on their website and on Facebook!

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