Spring Break Wrap Up!

I read/re-read a total of 12 books over Spring Break, so I
totally count that as a success!  Daytona Beach was beautiful, although I personally did not appreciate the entitled
attitude many of the other Spring Breakers had. 

All in all, we had good weather, good food, good company, we were at the beach, and I was able to read as much as I wanted, so I can’t complain.

So here is my run down of the books I read during Spring
Break 2019:

Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin

Already did a Lydia Loves on this.  I can’t wait until next weekend when I’m not working to tackle some of the areas of my house I’ve been side-eyeing: things that aren’t moving, Goodwill bags in the garage, clothes that need repair….

The Mothers by Brit Bennett

Another Lydia Loves.  I had listened to this on audio book prior to Spring Break but LOVED IT so much I re-read it so I could let her words sink in again.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

I had done a quick read-through on this one before Spring Break and couldn’t wait to get into it on a deeper level.  I had a chance to read through it once, then go back through it several times during break and I’ve been trying to implement it during this week since I’ve been back.  More to come next Monday about how it’s been going….

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

This is an upcoming Lydia Loves.  I will admit to fancrushing on both Rachel and Dave.  I love catching them LIVE in the morning when I’m not at work, I prioritize Rise in my podcast queue, and I preordered this book as soon as I could get my butt to my local bookstore.  I love how she can take ideas that I may have heard ten times before and make them sink in. 

Ninety Percent Mental by Bob Tewksbury

I am a football fan, college football to be specific.  So a book about baseball didn’t exactly hit home, but the concepts definitely did.

“Once I established myself in the bigs, my basic philosophy on the mound was pretty simple:  I am either going to get the hitter or he is going to get me but we aren’t going to be here all day figuring it out.”   LOVED THIS!  One of the themes that’s been appearing in my life this year is quick decision making.  Totally saving this quote to help avoid analysis paralysis.

“Part of the beauty of this game- sometimes part of its tragedy, too- is that almost always, it is impossible to decipher what’s waiting just up ahead for you.”  Tewksbury might have been talking about pitching a game of baseball, but this is a perfect example of sports as a metaphor for life.

Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent and Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough

These were the two suspense/thrillers that I read during Spring Break and they both hit the mark!  Don’t read any reviews of either because it would suck to have the endings spoiled!

Worthy by Donna Cooner, The Hypnotists by Gordon Korman, Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn, and One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

These four books were enjoyable Middle Grade and YA reads.  They are each great in their own way, would definitely recommend them if the storyline sounds interesting to you!

Imagine Me Gone by Adam Haslett

This is my only miss during Spring Break.  It wasn’t a bad book, just not a good fit for me.  I thought the plot was good, but the way the characters were developed and the narration of the story just didn’t do it for me.   It’s got an average rating of 3.69 stars on Goodreads and I wouldn’t tell anyone not to read it.

I definitely can’t complain about sun, sand, and good books to read!  Spring Break 2019 is In The Books

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