NO Year or Year of Yes?

Stop Saying No! It’s the Year of Yes!
Several years ago, I had a NO Year. I was so incredibly exhausted from being a room mom, scout leader, PTO officer, etc… that I just couldn’t do anything else. So I quit. Everything. Well, almost everything. I looked at what each of my three children was doing and chose one activity for each to say yes to and said NO to everything else. It was amazing.
I preach “The NO Year” to anyone who will listen. So when I saw the title “Year of Yes,” I was more than a little intrigued; especially when I saw that the book was by the creative genius Shonda Rhimes. Maybe it was time to stop saying no!
I Laugh in the Face of Yes!

But the idea of saying more YES? HA!
Yes? I laugh in the face of yes! (Bonus points if you get the reference!!!)
I couldn’t even imagine YES, but it was SHONDA RHIMES!!!!! Grey’s Anatomy!!! Private Practice!!!! Scandal!!! How to Get Away With Murder!!!! I will spare you all of her backstory (totally worth the read), and get to the YES part.
So there was a brilliant flash of inspiration (YES! Shonda and I totally have something in common- you have to read her backstory to understand!!!) and Shonda realized that by always saying no, she was missing out on some of the most beautiful things in her life.
Who Should Read This?
First of all, the idea that Shonda Rhimes could be missing anything is surreal. But, she’s a person like the rest of us and yes, in constantly saying no to the people and opportunities closest to her, she was missing out.; the same as the mom who was so busy saying yes to everyone and everything just because that’s what she was “supposed” to do. Totally not talking about myself.
We are just over the halfway point of 2019, which is a wonderful time to reevaluate any goals or intentions you have set for yourself. During my NO Year, I was constantly bombarded with requests to volunteer, head committees, or “just do this one thing!” At first it was difficult to say NO to the same people I’d always said yes to. “I’m sorry. This year, I’m only volunteering in one activity for each child. I’d be happy to give recommend several people that I think would be a good fit for the position you’re trying to fill.” A retired mom gave me that script. Seems crazy, but I know that 99% of you with kids, and at least 80% of the rest of you feel me on being totally over-committed and being lost on how to get out of it.
Totally recommend this book if you are waffling somewhere in the middle of the year trying to figure out where you put your resolutions. This book may cause a HUGE pivot which will leave you with a completely new set of resolutions that you feel completely committed to. It may help you look at the resolutions you have with a new lens that prioritizes them differently.
Also recommend this book if you are feeling any sense of overwhelm. I ended up with such a sense of calm and optimism after I read it- very similar to how I felt after The NO Year. Strange, right?
Have you read this book? How much did you love it?