It can be difficult to focus on anything right now. Between conflicting news reports- the virus has peaked, open everything up!- the number of new cases climbs again, keep everything closed!- virtual schooling, work from home, lack of toilet paper… is it any wonder it’s hard to focus sometimes? If you are struggling to read in the time of Coronavirus, I’ve got 15 book recommendations (5 books at a time) to help you get over your slump. Because let’s face it, aren’t you done with Netflix by now???

5 Books About Friendship Because Zoom Doesn’t Cut It:

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty- if you haven’t read it and haven’t seen it, now is the time!  If you have, this is a good time to revisit this one because, “Oh, Calamity!”

The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling – so technically this is 7 books but really…. Can you think of better friends than Hermione, Harry, and Ron?  And then you add in the rest of the gang…. Perfection!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky- When you finally feel like you belong.

Text Me When You Get Home by Kayleen Schaefer- Because who hasn’t said that?  This is a book all about female friendship.The Help by Kathryn Stockett- This book is about so many things, but the friendships in this book are powerful and grounding that they are the backbone of the book.

5 Fun Feel-Good Books:

Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes- This is chicklit on the surface that is actually a book about love and friendship that gives you a big hug and a cup of hot tea.

The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary-  This book has a perfect happy ending.  Enough said.  Okay, and it’s well written, has great characters, and a really fun story (even when parts of it are hard or sad).

Things You Save in A Fire by Katherine Center-  So this book actually has a lot to say, but it’s like when your grandma gives you milk and talks to you while she bakes cookies.  Yeah, there might be a lesson, but it’s so warm and cozy who cares?

American Royals by Katherine McGee- A superfun concept (an American King instead of a President???) with great characters and great writing.  A little romance, a little comedy, a little drama.  Perfect!

The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain- Just a fun little book that will brighten your day!

5 Fabulous Books About An Epidemic You’re Not In:

The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton- I remember reading this when I was young (probably too young) and wanting to be the kind of writer that could make people hold their breaths as they read.

The Stand by Stephen King- I know that I’m not the only one that called the Coronavirus, “Captain Trips.”  This is THE classic epidemic-apocalypse-good-vs-evil novel.

The Passage by Justin Cronan- This is actually a trilogy (The Passage, The Twelve, and The City of Mirrors) and an amazingly well-done series on Fox.  The books are long, but so, so GOOD!

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel- Yes, there is hope even if civilization collapses after most of the population dies of the flu.  We will still have King Lear and amazing books like Station Eleven.

The Book of M by Peng Shepherd- Scientists can’t explain what is happening and soon the mysterious phenomenon spreads like a plague….  Sound familiar?  At least you still have your shadow and your memories.  Just read the book!

Turn off the TV, grab a book (or 5) and hide in the closet…

I hope you find something in her you can read during the craziness. If you are having trouble focusing, read in small chunks; set a small time goal (10-15 minutes) or a small page goal (5-10 pages) to get you through your book! You deserve a break from reality!

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